12 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Fresh Potato Purée

This just came out spontaneously but turned out to be so delicious that I couldn't not post it on my blog page. It is a very light, low fat potato purée that you can eat almost without guilt and it has got greens as well! Perfect combination with meat, fish or chicken. Go ahead and try it. Bon apetite.

Serves 4
5 big potatoes
1/2 a bunch of parsley
3-4 sticks of spring onion
200 grams of steamed green peas 
1 clove of garlic
1,5 glasses of low fat milk (or full fat milk)
Salt and pepper 

How to:
1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, then start to boil. While they are boiling, steam cook your green peas. And a quick tip, add a teaspoon of granulated sugar onto the peas, this gives them a very nice colour and taste. Steam for only 12-15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile wahs and chop your parsley and spring onions. Chop the garlic into tiny pieces.
3. Once the potatoes are boiled (generally 15 minutes is enough, I cut the potatoes into three or four, this shortens the amount of cooking time), peel them under the running water and put them back into the same pot.
4. Smash the potatoes carefully. Put your pot on medium heat and start adding the milk. Stir your mashed potatoes and add the crushed or chopped garlic. Keep adding milk until you feel like its soft and fluffy and smooth.
5. Next, add the spring onions, parsley, season with salt and pepper, and that's it! We didn't add any butter or cream into our mashed potatoes. The whole point of this purée is that it is low fat, but if you can't go without, you can add half a glass of olive oil inside.
6. Serve your mashed potato with the green peas as a garnish to any type of grilled or roasted meat, chicken or fish. Eat and enjoy! 
This is how it looks! The next day, mashed potatoes went very well with my beans for lunch.

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