5 Eylül 2014 Cuma

Dark Cocoa Biscuits

Weekend is coming and I want to have a nice treat in my kitchen. This is a basic, easy and practical recipe to make biscuits. You can decorate them with whichever  glacing you choose. If you are feeling a bit shy about making biscuits or cookies, if in the past you treid but failed, don't worry. This recipe is really easy and quick. All you need is to bring the ingredients together, be VERY careful about the measurements -especially the butter and the flour- then, you'll be fine. 

225 gr butter
140 gr white sugar or caster sugar
250 gr flour
25 gr cocoa
A pinch of salt

How to:
1. First of all, the butter should be in room temperature. Then, whisk the softened butter with sugar until creamy and thoroughly combined.
2. Add the egg and mix again. Then, add the flour, cocoa and salt and mix everything together until it forms a big cookie dough.  
3.Form your dough into a neat ball and wrap it in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30-60 minutes. This step is important, as it later on will make your biscuits crunchy. It is vital that the dough should chill and rest, if you don't have time, let it sit at least for 30 minutes.
4.Take your dough out of the fridge and roll it between two sheets of oven paper (otherwise, it will tend to stick on the rolling pin). This makes it easier to clean the kitchen and to transfer the biscuits onto the baking sheet. Use 10 cm plain round cookie cutters or glasses.
5. Bake in the pre-heated oven of 190 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes (until golden).

Ready to go into the oven! 

6. Let them cool down a little bit on the tray and then transfer them on a wire rack to cool off completely.

These biscuit are way yummy as they are. However, if you are into glazing and decorating, here are A FEW IDEAS:
Melt white chocolate, pour it into a cone made out of oven paper, then drizzle on your cookies.
Melt the milk chocolate or bitter chocolate and dip the biscuits on one side for extra indulgence.
Mix 5-6 tablespoons of icing sugar with 1-2 tablespoons of water and decorate your biscuits with this classic icing.

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