10 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Bountiful Cookies

For me, cookies are to be had best with a cup of tea and this recipe is perfect company to your tea time! Not very sweet, they are somewhere between scones and biscuits, with a touch of cinnamon inside. When you make this cookie mixture, you will have loads of cookies. That's why I wanted to call them 'bountiful cookies'. They are very traditional type of cookies that you can find in Turkish houses. The only difference is they are low in fat, which makes it easy to have a handful at once. The first time I made them, I had 45 cookies and they are not very small in size either. You can have them when your friends are over for a cup of coffee, or you can put half in the freezer because it can stay for 2 or 3 weeks in a tightly shut bag and when you take them out, they'll defrost and be fresh as if newly-made. It has been a long time since the last time I made cookies with cinnamon, although they are a favourite. Just make these and keep them in an airtight jar, tin box, in your cupboards, in the fridge or in the freezer and they are good to have any time of the day. Even with a glass of milk before you go to bed or for breakfast. Bon apetite!

1 glass of milk
1 glass of sugar
1/2 glass of olive oil
1,5 tea spoons of cinnamon
1 tea spoon of all spice
3,5 glasses of flour
1 tea spoon of baking powder
1 egg

How to:
1. Mix all of the ingredients in a big bowl by hand to make a cookie dough. If you find the flour is not enough, you can add some more. You have to end up with a smooth and pretty soft dough that doesn't stick to your hands. If it feels too tough, add some more olive oil. If it is sticking to your hands, slowly add flour.
2. Take a piece of flour in your palm and roll it like a ball, then shape into a long strip, join the edges to make a round shape. You can make your cookies in this shape or in round shape. Just press with your thumb when you put them on the tray (if they are round). Don't forget to leave 2 centimetre space between the cookies as they will rise in the oven.
3. Put your cookies in a 175-180 degrees hot oven for 15 minutes or until they reach a dark golden colour. When you first take them out of the oven, they might feel pretty soft. Don't worry and just leave them to cool; they will get tougher when they cool. Then, you'll have cookies that have a nice solid outside layer and soft and chewy inside. Your all-day snack is ready! Eat and enjoy! These cookies are also very easy to carry around and if you want to take a home-made gift to a friend, it is the perfect recipe as it is very easy to make.

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