22 Nisan 2014 Salı

English Tea Bread or Bram Brack

This is a traditional bread I learned from my English mother-in-law. It is so yummy and light! It is commonly known as an Irish recipe -which is special to Halloween. Today I will share my take on the bram brack. I give it another name: English Tea Bread. Traditionally, it is made with only tea. However, in my cake mixture, I have a little bit of milk, plus walnuts and some cinnamon. The best thing about this cake is it has no oil in it. So, when you bake this bread, try to serve it when it is still warm, with butter and jam. It is perfect for your tea time. Make this cake and leave on your counter for a week, it will be fresh. It is pretty filling, so good for the young ones when they come back from school as well.  It is very easy to make. Although there is just one tip my mother-in-law told me. Before using the raisins or sultanas, soak them in tea for at least two hours. It is not compulsory but better to do it. :)

How to:
2 cups of strong brewed tea 
2,5 cups of flour
3 eggs
2 teaspoons of baking powder
2 cups of white sugar
1/4 cup of milk
1 cup of chopped walnuts
1 cup of raisins/sultanas
1 heap teaspoon of cinnamon

How to:

1. Soak the raisins in cold tea. Leave for at least a couple of hours. (You can do this one day before).  Brew some tea and leave it to cool. In the same way, you can use your leftover tea. =)

2. Mix all of the ingredients in a deep bowl, pour into a rectangular bread tin and bake for 50 minutes in 175 degrees.

3. Serve with butter and jam for tea. Bonne appetite!

It is still good with coffee the next day. 

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