15 Nisan 2014 Salı

Easy Apple and Cherry Pie

So simple, so quick for every day and it is a pretty light recipe. Made with mainly fresh apples and some cherry jam, this pie can take other fruits such as strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, apricots, pears and nuts. I first made this in autumn when first fresh apples were on the market and I wanted to sweeten them with my home-made thick cherry jam, instead of using only sugar. With a very thin and crispy base, yummy-smelling cinnamony topping this easy pie will win your heart.

4 small sweet apples
Juice of one orange
Juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Thick cherry jam

130 gr of flour
3 table spoons of butter
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon of salt

How to:
1. First squeeze the lemon and orange and pour the juice inside a bowl. Peel and chop the apples in small pieces, put them inside the orange and lemon juice. You can add the rind of either the orange or lemon if you like. Especially, the orange rind will give an amazing flavour. In this recipe I focused on cinnamon, so didn't add either of them.
2. Add the cinnamon and toss all of them together. Now add 3-4 tablespoons of thick cherry jam, with the cherries inside. Alternatively, you can add any other jam you like, but make sure it has little juice and big pieces of fruits. This is the only sweet the pie topping has, so try to adjust it to your taste.
3. Now mix all of the ingredients to make a pie pastry and chill for 15 minutes. Use this time to clean up your kitchen, heat your oven and prepare your pie tray. Once the pie crust is ready, roll it out on a clean counter. A small tip here: Instead of using a rolling pin, try rolling your dough with a cold bottle from the fridge. The coldness will help the dough to spread without crumbling.
4. Leave a small piece of the dough aside and take the rest and spread on your baking tray. Pour the apple mixture on top of the dough. Cut small shapes with the leftover pie pastry to decorate. Easy as that. :)
5. Next, the yummy pie goes into the 175 degrees oven for 35-45 minutes. Eat and enjoy!

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