30 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

Briam or Greek Roast Vegetables

This dish is perfect for many reasons. A: It is very healthy and light. B: It cleans your fridge, any leftover vegetables, bits and pieces get used up. C: It is the easiest dish to make. D: And, it keeps for three four days in the fridge and gets better each day. Briam is a dish that I learned from my husband. In Greece, this is a very traditional side dish that can go with chicken or meat dishes. There is no set recipe because you can use any vegetables you like. However there has to be these ingredients: Tomatoes, garlic, onion, olive oil (plenty), feta cheese and thyme or oregano (or both). This is the basic of the dish, you can then add any type of vegetables you like and think that would go well together. In the summer courgettes, aubergines, onions and tomatoes, with a bit of potatoes are the best combination. In this recipe, I used mostly winter vegetables, and some summer vegetables like courgettes. Chop them in big pieces, throw into a deep oven dish, pour generous amount of olive oil, crumble some cheese inside and your briam is ready to go. Eat and enjoy!

1 big onion
3 big tomatoes
6-10 cloves of garlic
3 leeks
1 small bunch of cauliflower
10-12 mushrooms
2 courgettes
A glass of tomato juice or tomato paste mixed in water
2 teaspoons of thyme
Pinch of salt
1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil
Fresh rosemary (optional)
A chunk of feta cheese
Some parsley leaves (to sprinkle over the top)

How to:

1. Take out a deep oven dish/tray; wash and clean the vegetables; chop them into big chunks; throw all of them into the dish.

2. Add the tomato juice, olive oil, thyme, rosemary, garlic cloves, salt, pepper and mix well. Cover the top with aluminum foil or the lid of your dish and put into the 200 degree oven for half an hour.

3. Take the briam out of the oven, stir the vegetables to cover with tomato juice and olive oil if necessary; also add some more juice if necessary. The vegetables should not be dry. Then crumble some feta cheese on top, cover with your lid and put into the oven again for another 15 minutes.

4. The baking time depends on the vegetables you use in your briam. If you are following this recipe, the vegetables should be cooked and soft by now. Be careful, potatoes and carrots take longer than the other vegetables.

5. Sprinkle with some thinly chopped parsley and your briam is ready to serve. Eat and enjoy!
 This briam was made by our friend Artemis and served with a piece of baked chicken.
 Start with chopped vegetables. Do not tarry too much, big pieces are okay. =)

 Glass of tomato juice. In my case I mixed two table spoons of tomato paste with water and came up with this sauce.
 Almost ready to go in the oven.
Finishing touch... Thyme. Yum!

28 Nisan 2014 Pazartesi

Red Lentil Soup

This classical Turkish soup recipe is the easiest one I find. And it works perfectly every time. Follow my rations and you will end up with a thick, filling, delicious, savoury soup. Perfect for winter evenings or when you are ill; it can make your dinner on its own, with a few croutons. All you need is a deep pot and a hand blender. Oh, and only 25 minutes!

Serves 4 - 5

1 cup of red lentils
5 cups of water or chicken or vegetable stock
1 big onion
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 table spoon of tomato paste
1 heap teaspoon of cumin
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of (not so hot) chilli pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of dry mint
1 or 2 table spoons of butter
1 teaspoon of olive oil (for the bowls when you are serving)
1 or 1/2 a lemon's juice

How to:

1. Using your cup to measure (for example I always use a plain glass), pour one cup pf lentils with five cups of water or vegetable or chicken stock (I rarely use stock and still the soup tastes amazing, so don't worry about it; of course if you make it with real / organic chicken stock it is always the best.)

2. Cut the onion into four big chunks and add into the soup along with the garlics unchopped. Then add the spices, cumin, salt, pepper, mint and some chilli pepper. Leave to cook until it boils.

3. Boil for five minutes, then put in low heat. Put the tomato paste in a glass and fill with hot water. Stir until it looks like a sauce and add it into the soup. Leave to simmer for another 15-20 minutes, until everything looks cooked and soft.

4. Turn the heat off, take your hand blender and blend the soup until it is smooth and incorporated. Add a knob of butter and some lemon juice before you serve.

5. When you take the soup into serving dishes/bowls, splash some olive oil for decoration. Eat and enjoy!

25 Nisan 2014 Cuma

Colourful Veggies Bread Pizza

  Making pizza out of stale bread is a very common technique. Sometimes we forget to do it but actually, it is one of the best comfort food you can prepare. It is easy and practical, also very flexible, you can put any type of ingredients you like. In my stale bread pizza, I went for the vegetable love again. I made some bacon to go with it. Chicken would also be a very good alternative. I wouldn't mind having this pizza all by itself, as it has loads of cheese. Just go inside your fridge, take out the bits and pieces of vegetables, add some chorizo, sausages, ham, prosciutto, chicken or anything you think will be fit for a pizza. No dealing with a dough, no rolling, no flouring... Only one important tip: Use a deep baking dish, not a flat tray. In order to turn the bread into a soft and gooey pizza dough, we are going to add some milk, an egg and olive oil. Let's start!

Depending on the size of your baking dish

10 thin slices of stale white bread
4 table spoons of tomato puree and pepper puree (you can put 3 tomatoes and one big red pepper into a blender and mix until it makes a sauce) 
100 gr mushrooms
1 red pepper
1 green pepper 
1 small onion 
2 cups of milk
1 egg
A small bunch of spirng onions (to sprinkle over the top)
A small bunch of parsley (to sprinkle over the top)
Olive oil
Black pepper
200 gr melting cheese (cheddar, mozarella, gruyere, any type of cheese you like on your pizza)

How to:
1. Thinly slice the bread. I had a whole bread, which made 10-12 slices. Line the bottom of your dish with the bread. My dish was a square sized one, so I could get four big slices that are enough for one person each.

2. In a separate medium size bowl, mix the milk, egg and two table spoons of olive oil, then pour a little bit more than half of it over the bread to soak.

3. Grate a thin layer of cheese on top and add another layer of bread and pour the rest of the milk mixture. If you think that two layers of bread will make the bottom of the pizza too thick, don't worry. Slice your bread very thinly, so when they come on top of each other, with the cheese in the middle, it will be just thick enough and very delicious. That is the whole point of this pizza. It is not a crispy flat bread, on the contrary, it is loaded vegetables on top of a soft cushion of bread. =)  One last thing, if you find the milk mixture is not enough, add some more milk and olive oil. If you have a big dish, use 2 eggs.

4. The rest is the easiest part. Spread the tomato and pepper puree generously on top of the bread. You can also use tomato paste instead.

5. Slice the red pepper, green pepper, onion, mushrooms and layer one by one. Cover the breads with vegetables so that the bread should not show. Then, top everything with grated cheese. Cook in a 200 degrees oven for 30-35 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the bread looks golden.

6. For extra indulgence, add some more cheese after you take the pizza out of the oven. Sprinkle some chopped spring onions or chives and parsley. Share, eat and enjoy!

First the red peppers and tomatoes...
 Then the whiteness of the mushrooms and cheese...
 Some freshness with spring onions and parsley; here goes our colourful pizza!

24 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Three Herb Salad

So practical, healthy, low in calories, high in presentation looks, delicious and fresh salad recipe. Perfect for spring as the fresh herbs on the market are getting better and better. No need to prepare beforehand. This is not only a healthy salad, but it is also pretty filling because of the pomegranates. The dressing is made from sour pomegranate dressing, which is found in any market in Turkey. It is made from the sour pomegranate juice and it is a little bit sweet, too. You can use balsamic vinegar instead. I made this salad for my friends, so the recipes goes for 6-7 people. The only important thing is all the fresh herbs used have to be in the same amount. I used a bunch of each. Have this salad for lunch with a slice of grilled chicken and you will not be needing anything for the rest of the day.

A big bunch of parsley
A big bunch of dill 
A big bunch of fresh mint  
A big bunch of spring onions  
1 big pomegranate 
1 cup of raisins  
1/2 cup of boiled orzo pasta
2 table spoons of poppy seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
Sour pomegranate dressing, olive oil, salt 

How to:
1. We begin with washing our herbs, parsley, dill, mint and spring onions. While waiting for them to drain, we boil a cup of orzo pasta. The whole point of this salad is that it is healthy, so we use very little orzo. If you like, you can add more but in my salad you can practically count the pasta.

2. Finely chop all the herbs once they are washed and clean. I separate half of the stems and throw them away, but I like including some of the stems of the herbs in my salad. As long as they are finely chopped, there is nothing wrong. They don't give a bad taste and they are good for you to eat as well.  It is up to you, of course.

3. Put all of the herbs and chopped spring onions into a large bowl, add the raisins and orzo and mix well.

4. Now the dressing, add the lemon juice, pomegranate sauce (or balsamic vinegar), generous splash of olive oil, salt, pepper, poppy seeds and stir everything.

5. Just before you serve, add the seeds of one big pomegranate on top. The flashy red of the fruit makes it really beautiful. Eat and enjoy!

23 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

Simple Roast Chicken

For this weekend, I tried my simple whole chicken roast. I call it simple because it doesn't need too many ingredients and I make a very simple sauce to glaze my chicken. The whole point was to have a nice plate of comfort food: Succulent chicken falling off the bone with some couscous and roasted vegetables. I have to admit, I did a bit of cheating. Since it is the 'simple' chicken roast, it is also very easy and quick to make. In order to achieve this I used the oven bags. These bags are the best thing. Whenever I use them, the result is always wonderful and without any effort at all. The bag uses the oven and also the steam coming off from the meat/vegetables, at the same time spreads the sauce evenly. Baked potatoes in the baking bag is another of my favourite. But for now, I would like to start my recipe.

1 whole chicken
1 big onion
5 cloves of garlic
A bunch of fresh thyme 
Salt, pepper, red peppercorns
Dried garlic and cloves for extra seasoning (optional)
2 table spoons of ketchup
2 teaspoons of honey
1 table spoon of vinegar
Olive oil
A baking bag big enough to put the chicken

How to:

1. We start with pouring some olive oil on the chicken that we put on our oven tray and season it well with salt and fresh ground pepper. 

2. We mix the other spices, red peppercorns, dried garlic, fresh thyme and anything else we might want to add in a bowl and then stuff them inside the chicken. This way, they will steam with the heat and leave their taste strongly.

3. In another bowl, mix the vinegar, ketchup and honey, then rub it onto the chicken and put your chicken inside the baking bag. 

4. Chop your onions and garlic, throw them in the bag with your chicken. Close the bag on one end and make 4-5 holes with a toothpick. Bake in the pre-heated oven of 200 degrees Celsius, for more than an hour, 70-80 minutes. You can adjust it according to your oven. 70 minutes in my oven made the chicken soft and juicy.

5. Once you are sure that the chicken is fully cooked, take it out of the oven to serve hot. Roast vegetables and couscous were our garnish.

Traditional British: Perfect Apple Crumble

Apple. My favourite fruit. Especially in autumn, when the first fresh red apples start to appear, it is almost a ritual for me to make apple crumble. Generally, you need to use sweet apples for this dessert, but if you are crazy for apples (like me) it really doesn't matter which type you use. Sometimes, I use green apples with red apples or yellow apples. I tend to mix them. Crumble is a traditional British dessert, especially made in the winter. Any type of juicy fruits can be used in this dessert. Pears, plums and cherries are the second best in my opinion. I even made a cherry and plum crumble. It was amazing. Sweet and sour, perfect with whipped double cream or vanilla ice cream. Imagine this: The house smells like delicious cinnamon and butter, you take the crumble out of the oven and immediately serve with cold ice cream. You take the first spoon  and see the steam coming out of the cooked apples while the ice cream is softly melting on top. Use my crumble topping to make  delicious desserts. It is so good! Crumble is not preferable in the summer, so before those heat waves hit us, try this mouth-watering indulgence. =)

150 gr brown sugar
300 gr flour
5 medium sized cooking apples
200 gr butter
A pinch of salt  
2 tea spoons of cinnamon
1 tea spoon of ginger
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of one orange
Grated rind of one orange or lemon (preferably orange)

How to:

1. First of all, take out the deep baking dish for your crumble. The deeper the dish, the juicer the dessert. Flat and wide trays are not suitable for this recipe because you want your crumble to be juicy. Remember, this is not a pie, it is a British crumble.

2. Squeeze the lemons and orange inside the bowl, add the cinnamon an rind of one orange. Next, wash and peel the apples. Peeling is not mandatory, but it is better if you do it. Chop the apples into small dice and put inside the bowl. Since they will be waiting inside lemon juice, they will not go brown.

3. For the crumble topping, we need room temperature butter. You should mix the butter and flour first by using your fingertips, and then add the brown sugar, cinnamon and ginger. Alternatively, you can put everything in a food processor and mix in high speed. Don't forget to add a pinch of salt to highten the flavours. 

4. Now the mixture looks like bread crumbs. Pur over the fruits in the bowl and press lightly with your palm. 

5. Cook in the pre-heated oven of 190 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. When the topping is crispy and golden, the apples are soft inside the juice take it out of the oven.

6. Serve when warm in a small bowl with some ice cream or whipped double cream. Eat and enjoy! 


 Ready to go in the oven!
This is my plum and cherry crumble. If you like sourish sweet desserts, you should give this a try.

22 Nisan 2014 Salı

English Tea Bread or Bram Brack

This is a traditional bread I learned from my English mother-in-law. It is so yummy and light! It is commonly known as an Irish recipe -which is special to Halloween. Today I will share my take on the bram brack. I give it another name: English Tea Bread. Traditionally, it is made with only tea. However, in my cake mixture, I have a little bit of milk, plus walnuts and some cinnamon. The best thing about this cake is it has no oil in it. So, when you bake this bread, try to serve it when it is still warm, with butter and jam. It is perfect for your tea time. Make this cake and leave on your counter for a week, it will be fresh. It is pretty filling, so good for the young ones when they come back from school as well.  It is very easy to make. Although there is just one tip my mother-in-law told me. Before using the raisins or sultanas, soak them in tea for at least two hours. It is not compulsory but better to do it. :)

How to:
2 cups of strong brewed tea 
2,5 cups of flour
3 eggs
2 teaspoons of baking powder
2 cups of white sugar
1/4 cup of milk
1 cup of chopped walnuts
1 cup of raisins/sultanas
1 heap teaspoon of cinnamon

How to:

1. Soak the raisins in cold tea. Leave for at least a couple of hours. (You can do this one day before).  Brew some tea and leave it to cool. In the same way, you can use your leftover tea. =)

2. Mix all of the ingredients in a deep bowl, pour into a rectangular bread tin and bake for 50 minutes in 175 degrees.

3. Serve with butter and jam for tea. Bonne appetite!

It is still good with coffee the next day. 

20 Nisan 2014 Pazar

Mince and Pea Curry

Indian curry. Filling, spicy, comfort food that wins your heart. Even if you are a vegetarian, meat-lover or both, you will find something to love about Indian cuisine. British people today love Indian so much that it is one of the most popular take-away food. Not only that, they have many restaurants and special recipes. They say that the favourite dish Chicken Tikka Masala has been invented by the British. There is no such recipe in Indian cuisine. Tonight, we made a mince and pea curry with my husband because cooking Indian is his specialty. I am learning from him and loving the tastes more each day. Try this easy dish for a meal (especially in winter, on a cold night). Trust it to fill you and warm you from inside. I wish I could transfer the smell with my photos, too. Imagine how it smells on the plate. =) 

How to:
Serves 2 or 3
300 gr mince beef
1 big onion
5-6 cloves of garlic
2 table spoons of tomato paste
1 and a 1/2 cups of pea
1 and a 1/2 cups of beef stock
2 tea spoons of dry curry mixture (curry spice)
2 tea spoons of Garam Masala mixture 
Sweet red pepper
Salt and pepper
Olive oil or vegetable oil

How to:

1. Start by heating some olive oil and sauté the chopped onions and garlic. After they change colour, add the beef and cook in high temperature.

2. Pour hot water in a glass and add the tomato paste, mix to make a sauce. Add into the beef. Add all the spices and mix well. If it seems dry, add beef stock and keep on mixing. From this step on, continue adding the beef stock little by little, checking every now and then. It should not be dry, but it should not be very juicy, either.

3. Last, add the frozen peas. Actually, you can add as much as you like. You can make it greener or sparser. Now turn the heat to low and leave it to simmer for 1-15 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, make some rice with or without saffron to go with the curry. Plus, you will need some fresh yoghurt to balance the heat of the dish.

5. Once the rice is cooked, the beef curry is pretty mellow, turn the heat off and serve hot. Bon appetite!

A bit juicy and succulent, but not as runny as a soup.
 Our spices for tonight. You can add more spices according to your taste; maybe dried mint or basil for some freshness, chilli for hotness. 
The curry is ready to be taken onto the plates. Yum!

19 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Dinner Rolls

Bread making is an art, an activity that gives me peace, calmness and takes away all my stress. Kneading, putting your fingers through the soft and gooey dough, pressing and pulling stimulates your nerves and relaxes you. I think. At least for me, this is so. It is about patience and care. Since I bought some books about bread-making, I stopped going to the bakery. I am making a different type of fresh bread every week now. Plus, I always thought I needed special equipment, oven, a big multipurpose kitchen. However, you can make almost all types of bread at home. These bread rolls are perfect to start your meal, with a tiny bit of butter and jam; or they can make a great snack for whenever you feel like during the day. They are easy to make, and pretty quick. This is a practical but cool recipe to impress your friends.

150 ml milk
60 gr butter (3 tablespoons give or take) 
2 table spoons of sugar
3 teaspoons of dry yeast
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons of salt 
550 gr flour
Poppy seeds to decorate 

How to:

1. Heat the milk in a sauce pan. Once it starts boiling, turn off the heat and add butter and sugar. Mix well and wait for it to reach a warm temperature.

2. In a small bowl, melt the dry yeast inside 3 or 4 table spoons of milk. The milk has to be warm, not cold and the yeast should melt completely. Just stir once and let it sit for a short while. 

3. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs. Add the milk and sugar mixture and the yeast mixture. Add the flour and bring everything together to form a soft dough.

4. When everything is combined and you have a dough, knead for 5-7 minutes. When I say knead, do it like the bakers do. Pull the dough outwards and then bring into itself, like folding and making a ball and do it again. That is the basic tip for kneading bread. 

5. Make a ball of dough and put in a bowl, cover with cling film, then wait for 1 or 1 and a half hour to rest. In this time, the dough will rise to double.

6. After the dough has risen, take on a clean counter dusted with flour. Then cut into two pieces.

7. Take one of the pieces, make into a cylinder shape and cut into 8 equal pieces. Do the same with the other big piece. Before you start shaping the dough, turn the oven on for 220 degrees Celsius.  

8. From this step on, it is up to you to decide the shape. You can make long strips and roll them like a snail shell. Or by holding each end and rolling them towards the middle, you can create another shape. You can make an 8 shape also. You can bake some of them like small balls if you can't be bothered to shape each and every piece. 

9. You can take your bread rolls onto the baking sheet or tray. Leave 3 centimeter distance between one and another as the rolls tend to rise in the oven. Brush them with egg yolk and generously sprinkle with poppy seeds. That's it! You will have nice, sweetish bread rolls to start your meal and impress your friends. Eat and enjoy!

Meringue Cookies

Meringues were the fun snacks of our childhood.  Whenever we entered a patisserie, my sister and me would want a packet of these fluffy treats, just because they looked beautiful. It has been on my mind for some time and finally, I was able to make them. It is really easy, nothing to worry about. You need a little bit of patience, that's all. If you have an automatic mixer, it is nothing because you leave the machine on full speed and let it mix for 10 minutes. Because it was my first attempt, I went along with two egg whites and half a cup of sugar. Then I added a bit of cocoa, which gave my meringues a nice shine.

2 egg whites
1/2 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of cocoa
A pinch of salt

How to: 

1. The important tip is the egg whites have to be room temperature, not cold. So before you start, take out your eggs from the fridge and let them wait for a while. After that, the second important tip is your oven must be warm enough. So, start you oven before you whip the eggs. 

2. Separate the egg whites and egg yolks, put the egg whites in a deep bowl. Whisk them for a couple of minutes, then add the sugar and a pinch of salt and put your mixer to high speed and whisk for 10 minutes, or until the egg whites become silky, creamy, fluffy and pretty tough.

3. I didn't want my meringues to be pale white, so I tried to add a little bit of cocoa powder to it. It made no difference to the taste and they looked amazing.

4. Once the cocoa was mixed into the batter, I put it in a clean bag, cut the corner and squeezed my meringue in small lumps. You can use pastry bags with different shapes.

5. For my first time, I tried different shapes and sizes. I baked them for 25 minutes in 130 degrees oven. Then took them out and let them to cool. They were crunchy on the outside but chewy on the inside. If you don't want them to be chewy, bake them longer.

6. After they cooled down completely, I melted some milk chocolate and dipped half of the meringue cookies in this. It was absolutely fantastic! 
First time; first meringue cookies. Inevitably, some weren't looking very nice shape-wise. :)

  The ones dipped in chocolate were my favourite. Mmm, guess why?

18 Nisan 2014 Cuma

Leek Fritters

A very practical recipe for your dinners and summer night parties. You can never go wrong with fritters, everybody loves them. Easy to make, fun to serve and delicious. The most common known fritters here is Courgette Fritters, which is called Kolokitihokeftedes in Greek. Both Greek and Turkish cuisines have this wonderful food. It was my favourite as a kid and I remember feeling very happy whenever I saw my mother frying them. You can also make fritters with potatoes, but I'm more into vegetables, so my recipe includes a different type of green vegetable. Since my Leek Sponge has been tried and likes by many, I wanted to continue with this dish. This recipe makes 10-12 fritters depending on the size. Eat and enjoy, them make some more -because it is so good!

2 leeks
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup of corn flour
1 egg
2 - 3 table spoons of yoghurt  
Salt, pepper, dried mint to season
Olive oil
Fine bread crumbs

How to:
1. Finely chop your leeks. Put in all of the ingredients (ezcept bread crumbs) and mix thoroughly. 
2. Put the bread crumbs on salightly deep plate. Take a spoonful of the mixture and cover with bread crumbs, give a flat round shape and fry in olive oil. Leave on a paper towel to get rid of the excess oil, then put into a serving dish. Sprinkle some feta cheese on top. (Alternatively, you can mix some feta cheese inside the mixture as well.) Serve when hot. That's it. Bon apetit!

17 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Classical Dark Cocoa Cake

Now this is the typical cocoa cake you will find in any home you go in Istanbul. This is what I call mummy's cake because we have grown up with this type of cake, baked in this round tins with a hole in the middle. Generally mummies bake a two-coloured cake for their children to have when they come back from school, to have at 'teatime'. Teatime is a very important cultural phenomenon for Turkish people. We like to have one savoury pastry (generally a 'borek' or a 'simit'), plus one dessert/sweet cake with our tea. Tea time can be any hour between 3 and 6 in the afternoon. If I am not baking anything special, I tend to go along with this cake because I always would like to have something on my cake stand. If I don't have time, if it is not for a special occasion, this cake will save my day. I have another recipe for this cake, which I call 'Mummies Cake With Walnuts and Bitter Chocolate' (it is coming soon). You can try different ingredients like, lemon or orange rind, walnuts, hazelnuts, bitter chocolate, or you can make a plain batter, pour in the half, then add cocoa to the other half and pour it on top to have a marbled look. These are all classical cakes for my family. Keep following this blog and you will see different ideas about this same recipe. Today, I went with double cocoa effect. And it tastes really light and nice.

3 eggs
1 and 1/4 cups of granulated sugar
3 cups of flour
1 heap teaspoon of baking powder 
1 heap teaspoon of vanilla sugar or 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 cup of olive oil
1 and 1/4 cups of milk
3 heap table spoons of cocoa
4 table spoons of chocolate chips

How to:
1. I start with beating the eggs and then adding the sugar and beating them together for 3 minutes. 
2. After that, I add the milk, olive oil, cocoa, vanilla sugar and mix everything thoroughly. To this liquid mixture, I add the flour and baking powder together and mix in high speed. 
3. The last step is to stir in the chocolate chips. I do not over mix after I add the chocolate chips because if you do it with a mixer the chocolate chips might sink to the bottom. So I stirred with a spatula, then poured the whole batter into my tin. You can of course use a round or angular tin. It is very important for me to use this cake tin because that is the whole point of this 'mummies' cake'.
4. Bake in the pre-heated 175 degrees oven for 45 minutes. Leave to cool before you slice this cake. For extra indulgence and decoration, you can add some chocolate sauce on top.

It will keep fresh for a week on your counter. You can also keep it in the fridge the same week or your freezer up to 3 weeks. Eat and enjoy this simple and quick recipe that will make you feel cosy.