21 Kasım 2014 Cuma

Orange and Chocolate Sandwich Cake

2 x 20 cm round sandwich cake tins
175 gr butter (room temperature)
150 gr flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (25 gr) 
1 packet baking powder
1 cup of sugar (the original recipe asks for 175 gr but I lowered it a bit)
3 eggs
1 tablespoon of milk
2 tablespoons of chocolate covered orange peels 
1 orange
140 gr chocolate spread
Icing sugar to decorate 

How to:

1. We start with heating the oven to 175 degrees and greasing our baking tins. Then we whisk the eggs.

2. Add the butter, sugar and cocoa onto the eggs and keep on whisking. 

3. Now, sift the flour with the baking powder and grate the orange rinds into the mixture; add the chocolate covered orange peels with the milk and fold well.

4. Pour the batter equally into to sanwich tins. Bake for 25 minutes in 175 degrees. It should rise evenly.

5. To make a simple decoration for the cake, make some candied orange. Slice the orange and put into a sauce pan with 2 tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of water. Boil until they caramelize, set aside to cool.

6. Take the cakes out of the oven, leave to cool. When they are completely cooled down, we can begin layering.

7.Put the first layer of the cake onto the plate and spread the chocolate spread generously. Put the other half of the cake on top and decorate with icing sugar by using stencils to make nice white shapes. 

8. Add the orange candies for a colourful look; eat and enjoy!

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