21 Kasım 2014 Cuma

Mum's Cookies With Raisins

Traditional Turkish mum's cookies with raisins and walnuts; perfect for kids to have after school. I know because that was what I would do! =)

3 eggs
1 cup yoghurt
1 cup olive oil
1 cup sugar
2 - 3 cups flour (enough to make a soft but not sticky dough)
1 packet baking powder
1 packet vanilla
3/4 cup raisins
Walnuts (cut in half)

How to:
1. Whisk two eggs together; seperate the other egg and put the egg yolk aside and add the egg white into the two eggs. Then add yoghurt, oil, sugar and make a runny mixture.  

2. Add a cup of flour first; then add another cup of flour with baking powder and vanilla. Combine well. If the dough is still very sticky, keep on adding flour little by little until you have a soft and not-so-sticky dough. This is traditional home-baking recipe, so there is no set amount, you have to trust your instincts.

3. Lastly mix your raisins with the dough and make big round lumps. Mix the egg yolk that we set aside earlier, and brush the cookies with it. Press half a walnut on top of each cookie.

4. Bake in the 170 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until they have a golden colour. Leave to cool and serve on the same day. Keeps for a week outside the fridge; can be kept in the freezer as well. Eat and enjoy!

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