28 Ekim 2014 Salı

Traditional British: Flapjacks

Every Sunday is our baking day at home. Now my husband is so used to it; if I don't feel like it or have other things going on, he asks around. And helps me! This Sunday there was nothing on my mind and he suggested flapjacks. I have never had one in my life, but we found a recipe and tried it with chocolate chips and the result was out-of-this-world! So easy to make, I was surprised. It took only 15 minutes and there is no kneading. This is perfect recipe for busy mummies I think!

250 gr oatmeal
125 gr butter (room temperature)
125 gr brown sugar
2 - 3 tablespoons Golden Syrup or honey

How to:
1. Put the oatmeal, butter, brown sugar and Golden Syrup in a blender and mix well. Be careful not to make it too fine and leave the oatmeals a bit crunchy. So mix gently and slowly for a short time.

2. Add the chocolate chips and mix with a spatula.

3. Grease a square baking tray and pour the mixture inside, press with the back of a spoon or use your hands to have a flat, solid mixture.

3. Bake in the 180 degree oven for about 17 - 20 minutes, or until it gets really golden and the house smells amazing. Leave to cool and cut with a knife. Eat and enjoy!

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