28 Ekim 2014 Salı

Carbonara 'My Style'

This is a classical Italian dish. I tried it in my first visit to Italy but it has been such a long time that the way I remembered it turned out to be pretty different. Still, it is so delicious. My Style Carbonara has peas in it, some cream, garlic and onions. It is worth trying simply because it is made with pasta. :)

Serves 2 or 3

1/2 packet of spaghetti or penne (or in fact, any type of pasta) 
6 pieces of bacon or ham 
1 bowl of peas
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
100 ml of double cream 
1/4 cup of milk  
Black pepper 
Cheddar cheese or parmesan cheese (or any type of similar cheese you have)

How to:
1. Cook the pasta in a deep pan full of boiling salty water for 10 - 12 minutes. 

2. Chop the bacon into small pieces and put them into a sauce pan with the cream and milk. Add the chopped onion and garlic and cook them all together. Season with a bit of pepper.

3. Boil or steam the peas in another pan for 5 minutes. Add them onto your plate; this makes them look more shiny and fresh.

4. Once the sauce has cooked and onions are soft, grate some cheese inside to thicken it. Drain your pasta and add into the sauce. Mix very well. Serve with the peas on top and eat and enjoy!

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