22 Haziran 2014 Pazar

Courgettes in Olive Oil

Another summer recipe! If you haven't tried this, believe me you are missing a lot!

Very easy to make, very healthy and light and very tasty. This dish always reminds me of my English mother-in-law because last summer when she was staying at ours, I would make a whole lot of this and we would finish it between the two of us.

It is very yummy when warm, but also can be eaten when it is cold. So it is very practical. You can keep it in the fridge for 3 or 4 days. Have it as a light lunch with a slice of bread and some feta cheese, or eat it as a side dish for dinner.

4 medium size courgettes
4 tomatoes
1 big onion
4 cloves of garlic
A handful of rice (or bulghur)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Sugar (optional)
A handful of dill to decorate

How to:
1. Wash and scrape the courgettes, cut them into small chunks.
2. Wash the tomatoes and chop them by hand. Then chop the onions and garlic.
3. Start heating a pan and add some olive oil. Put the onions and garlic and start stirring. Once the onions are soft and transparent, add the tomatoes and cook for about 2-3 minutes.
4. Put the courgettes on top and mix everything thoroughly in high heat. Add some more olive oil at this stage. This dish is an 'olive oil' dish, so you have to have a generous amount.
5. Spread a handful of rice (not more than that because as they cook, they get bigger and then you end up with a courgettes in rice).
6. Lastly, add some salt and pepper, mix and sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar on top. Sugar gives it an extra sweetness and taste. You can skip this stage but if you try it once, you can never go without! Add 1 or 2 cups of boiling water. Turn the heat down and leave to simmer.
7. Once the courgettes and rice soak up the water and cook, your dish is ready. Decorate with fresh chopped dill and serve warm or cold. Eat and enjoy!

 This one was made with bulghur but to be honest, it is always better with rice.

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